Monday, June 8, 2015

The mission is sick...

Haha, not the cleverest subject but I`m running out of stuff to stay! But yeah, I got sick this week. Got a gnarrrrrly 36 hour bug....fever, threw up, all the works. But luckily it hit Tuesday at like 8pm so by Thursday morning I was good to go and only spent Wednesday in bed (and bored out of my mind!)
It was a solid week. But due to the sickness it kinda slowed things down for a few days. We have still be going hard on the workouts/lifting...and the protein shakes have been tasting good as ever...haha!
Oh yeah, one cool lil thing... A random gringo showed up to church yesterday. Was a homie who served in the ward 2-3 years ago. Long story short, he goes to BYU, is living here for 2 months to learn Quichwa, anddddd I watched the Superbowl with him in his house last year. Hahahha. Such a small world. 2 of his roomates from last year and the year before are on the rugby team and 2 of my better homies, so turns out I knew the dude but didnt talk to him until we met in Ecuador. Classic.

Wow, I really don`t know what to say. I got sick. We taught people. We contacted people. We went to church and enjoyed it. We ate a lot of food. We slept. We studied. We worked out. Thats the mission for ya, the best two years!!!
Love you all, hope your week was more exciting than mine!!! 
Elder Sorensen

And lastly, a few questions for gramsy!! Sorry I didnt get to them last week!
How do people greet one another (e.g., as family, friends at home or in the street)?
First, almost all women of 12 years and up greet each other with little hugs/side kisses. Not on each side like they do in Europe, but a hug and little simultaneous right cheek kiss from both at the same time. Men, typically greet with a normal handshake. Good friends or young men usually great with a high five/fist bump kinda deal--just like we do in the States!! Almost everyone, regardless of being good friends/even knowing the person, says good morning/afternoon/evening to most people they see as they pass by in the street--like we do in the State....haha, not!

How do they react when they see strangers or people from other countries?
Depends were you are. In the center of Quito, there are always students or businessmen or gringos who live no one acts strange there. In some of my sectors up in the mountains, people (mainly kids/teens, maybe cause they have never seen a gringo) stare/giggle. But after a few weeks in an area you really dont find many weird looks...also once they realize you can speak Spanish they act quite normal.

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